Idaho - Kansas
IL1 Illinois 1975 Mallard, Used
IL4 Illinois 1978 Canvasbacks, Used
IL8 Illinois 1982 Black Ducks
IL9 Illinois 1983 Lesser Scaup
IL11T Illinois 1985 Red Head w/Tab
IL10 Illinois 1984 Blue-winged Teal
IL12T Illinois 1986 Gadwalls w/Tab
IL13 Illinois 1987 Buffleheads
IL13T Illinois 1987 Buffleheads w/Tab
IL14 Illinois 1988 Common Goldeneyes
IL14T Illinois 1988 Common Goldeneyes w/Tab
IL15T Illinois 1989 Ring-necked Ducks/w/Tab
IL16T Illinois 1990 Lesser Snow Geese w/Tab
IL17GÂ Illinois 1991 Governor's Edition, signed by Jim Edgar
ILPH2 1991 Illinois Pheasant Stamp
IL21 Illinois 1995 Chocolate Lab w/Green-wing
IL27 2001 Illinois Pintails and Yellow Labrador
IAH1 1979 Iowa Wildlife Grouse used
IAH2 1980 Iowa Wildlife Pheasant
IAH3 1981 Iowa Wildlife Quail, Artist Maynard Reece
IAH4 1982 Iowa Wildlife Squirrels
IAH5 1983 Iowa Wildlife Grouse
IA9 Iowa 1980 Redhead Ducks
IA11 Iowa 1982 Snow Geese
IA12 Iowa 1983 Widgeons
IA13 Iowa 1984 Wood Ducks
IA14 Iowa 1985 Mallards
IA15 Iowa 1986 Blue-winged Teal
IA16 Iowa 1987 Canada Geese
IA17 Iowa 1988 Pintails
IA25 Iowa 1996 Canvasbacks
ID1 Idaho First of State 1987 Cinnamon Teal
ID1U 1987 Idaho Upland Game Pheasant
ID1UT Idaho 1987 Upland Game Pheasant w/Tab
ID2 Idaho 1988 Green-winged Teal, Artist Jim Killen
ID2U Idaho 1988 Upland Game Quail
ID2A 1988 Green-winged Teal, Hunter Type
ID2UT Idaho 1988 Upland Game Quail w/Tab
ID3 Idaho 1989 Blue-winged Teal
ID3A Idaho 1989 Blue-winged Teal, Hunter Type
ID3U Idaho 1989 Grey Partridge
ID4 Idaho 1990 Trumpeter Swans
ID4A Idaho 1990 Trumpeter Swans
ID4UPB 1990 Upland Game Bird, Mountain Quail, Plate Block
ID5 Idaho 1991 American Widgeon
ID5A Idaho 1991 American Widgeon, Tab
ID11 Idaho 1997 Shovelers
ID9 Idaho 1995 Wood Duck
IN4 Indiana 1979 Canvasbacks
IN7 Indiana 1982 Blue-winged Teal
IN8 Indiana 1983 Snow Geese
IN9 Indiana 1984 Redhead Ducks
IN10 Indiana 1985 Pintails
IN12 Indiana 1987 Canvasbacks
IN13 Indiana 1988 Redhead Ducks
IN14 Indiana 1989 Canada Goose
KS1 Kansas First of State 1987 Green-winged Teal
KS1PB Kansas 1987 Green-winged Teal, Plate Block
KS2 Kansas 1988 Canada Geese
KS3 Kansas 1989 Mallards
KS4 Kansas 1990 Wood Ducks
KS5 Kansas 1991 Pintails